May I introduce myself to you, Janie Schumann. I would not be talking with you today if I had not gotten sick. I was sick of tired of not feeling well and started to take charge of my own wellness. There have been many helpful folks I have run into over the years that helped me on my path.

In the early 2000’s I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had pain, numbing, depression, lack of energy and basically was not happy . I had not had a positive outcome with pharmaceuticals and knew I wanted to try another route. This all led me to acquiring my biofeedback device, which I knew was non-drug therapy, in order to help me get my life back. I was able with the help of my biofeedback device to navigate the underlying stresses in my body and connect the dots. That started my journey in wellness. I had not planned to become a certified biofeedback specialist or wellness coach at the time. This was all about me trying to heal myself. I had to change many aspects of my life in order to make all this happen.

Within 6 months I was getting my life back – More energy, no pain and a lot happier!

With my success, my friend who was a hairdresser came to me for help and see how I might assist her. I was able to assist my friend navigate her underlying stresses and helped her on her road to recovery. She soon started sending me her clients who had lack of wellness issues also. That started my private practice.

It has been a continual learning experience even to this day.

Today I am not on any pharmaceuticals, have lots of energy and love my life!

As of today I have worked with over a 1,000 clients, and recorded over 4,000 sessions. I have started to see patterns and have been able to guide my clients with a roadmap to a healthier lifestyle and have them connect their own dots.

I am an alternative practitioner. I believe in proper nutrition, supplements, hydration and activity.

This blog will continue to give practical information that we all can use in order to become self-empowered and take charge of our own wellness.

I have changed my life with the right foods, supplements, herbs, flower essences, and homeopathy.

I hope I will be able to assist, educate and inspire you in feeling the best that you can and take your own life back!

Janie Schumann